Hi y'all! I've been working on getting my business up and going for a few months now. Stinky
Britches Custom Diaper Cakes by April Kay is officially open! Click on the icon to the right to visit my new business blog! I would love it if you could leave a comment on it to let me know you stopped by. Please, please spread the word and I would REALLY appreciate it if you could give me a brief shout-out on your own blog! And let me know if you want me to do the same for your home business!
I'm so excited! I've been busy making preparations to set up a display in a
cute little store in Russellville, KY. So, visit the
Stinky Britches blog again within the next couple of weeks for pictures of my new display! For now, I will sell them through my new business blog, the Russellville store, and I'm starting a new
Stinky Britches Facebook page very soon!
Here's a little sneak peak!
Please let me know what you think! I need your feedback!
Very very cute! Good Luck!
So cute! Good luck!
Oh woooooowwwww! I haven't seen the western one yet! It's REALLY cute too!
These are precious-good for you!!
Awesome!!!! You go girl!!!!
I put a link to the site on my family blog! These are so cute...best of luck!
Those are just the cutest things ever!!! How talented you are!!!
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