Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
38 Weeks & Still Hangin' On!
We have had at least 3 "scares" of thinking it was time to throw our bags in the car and get to the hospital to have this baby, but they've ended up being nothing. One of those was last night when I woke up at 2 am completely nauseous and barely even able to sit up. I have read that nausea is one of the signs that labor is coming on. Also, I could not feel her move for several hours and was so worried. I wanted to get up and get ready to go to the hospital just to make sure everything was okay, but I was too sick to even do that. So, I just laid back down and prayed that everything was okay. I drank some orange juice and felt a couple of movements from her, but still not as many as I would have liked. Marc just reassured me by saying that she was probably sleeping and giving me a break! Today I haven't felt her move much either, but as I am sitting here typing this, she has been moving a lot more. She's such a stinker, scaring me like this!
Anyway, so here I am sitting up at 1:58 am updating my blog and cleaning house just trying to do as much as I can to feel "ready" for Mallory to get here! I wanted to do a much better job this pregnancy keeping my blog updated, but it just hasn't happened. So I'm trying to do several posts tonight to get a little caught up because I know that once she is here I definitely won't be blogging much. We'll see! Tomorrow, well, actually later today, my parents are coming up with their bags all packed, ready to stay at our house until we come home from the hospital. My mom is going to go with me tomorrow afternoon to the hospital for me to go ahead and get registered and have some bloodwork done, while my dad stays at the house and keeps Mason. I also hope to finally get that pedicure I've been dreaming of for a month now! I want me some pretty toes during that c-section. Ha! :) Like I'll even be thinking about those toes! And we need to Marc's & Mason's haircut tomorrow. AND move baby girl's crib into her room AND I need to sit down and journal about my pregnancy (thank you) AND rest AND take a shower AND put the hospital bags & car seat in the car, AND, the list goes on and on and on!
Oh, this is just sooo interesting knowing the date I'm having me a baby! I kinda liked it much better with Mason when my water just randomly broke and I went into labor and didn't really have a chance to get anxious or nervous. My bags have been packed for weeks and I know there's just nothing really to be 100% "ready" to become parents all over again, but still, I'm a nervous wreck thinking about Thursday morning!
A side note: a woman at Gattliland tonight asked me if I was pregnant with TWINS!!!! ha!!! :) I told her, "No, just one baby girl and she'll be here on Thursday!" Hilarious! I also told her I would have loved to have twins this time, though!
So, here I am at 38 weeks:
Getting Ready for Baby Sister
Since learning how to sew just before Mason's 1st birthday, I said that I wanted to make the crib bedding for the next baby. I knew this would be a HUGE project, but I wanted to make it extra special and I was determined to give up on that goal! But, being on bed rest made it so difficult to reach that goal. I was determined, though, and finally got around to making it during my 35th week of pregnancy. I had been researching the fabric for months until finally deciding on those "perfect" fabrics. What a hard decision that was! :) I worked hard at it and got the bumpers done in less than a week. I'm so proud of them! I made the curtains last week out of this beautiful ivory rosette silk taffeta fabric that I ordered off Fabric.com. They're just so girly and "shabby chic" and exactly what I had in mind. I'm going to make the crib skirt out of the same fabric. I've been puting off the crib skirt until after the crib arrived so that I could know exact measurements, so that'll be something I work on in a few weeks after recovery from surgery and after some adjustment of having another baby in the house! :) I also want to make a sweet blanket to match the bedding.
We found a couple of distressed, antique furniture that I LOVED on Craig's List, so we quickly picked them up back in November and had them at our house ready to go. It was nice not having to order them and then wait for months for them to get here. I'll show better pictures of our Craig's List dresser & vanity later! I ordered the crib back in October from JC Penney expecting it to arrive by December, but to make a long story short, it didn't arrive until February 1st. Thank you. And that was even sooner than they said! So, it's been kind of hard to complete the nursery and all the sewing I wanted to do for it without having the crib. Ever since it came, I have been in full force trying to get everything finished. It's such a relief that most of the nursery will end up being done before she gets here! Even if it is the night before! Ha! :) Tomorrow when my parents arrive, we will move the crib into the nursery, throw that mattress & bedding on it, and hang this sweet plaque on the wall above it. Just in the nick of time for Mallory to be here! :)
Mason has been such a good boy while Mommy has been doing all these preparations. He has been so patient and has really entertained himself when I've been sewing and doing other things. He's been such a good big helper when it's come to getting all his newborn items ready for babys sister to use. It's just been so sweet watching him figure it all out and have this discussions with me about everything. I really think he's understanding what is going on and hopefully won't be too overwhelmed on Thursday when he meets Mallory for the first time, and especially when we come home from the hospital with her. We have talked to him about Mallory Jane from the second we found out we were pregnant because we wanted to give him lots of time to try and understand everything. Plus, he's almost 3 years old so I think he's at that age where it all does kinda make sense and he's excited to be a "big helper" once baby sister gets here.
I'll tell y'all more about the nursery and show pictures of the "completed" look after we come home from the hospital with Mallory. It's not ready yet anyway and I don't want to rush in this post and explain the theme, cuz I wanted to focus more on the other preparations and Mason helping with everything. :)
Here are some pics in random order of us getting everything ready!
We had to do some switching around with rooms... Our extra bedroom was our guest room/playroom/sewing room. So, all that had to go to make room for Mallory! Thankfully we have a pretty good sized formal dining room so we just took the dining room table out of there to make room for Mason's toys & my sewing stuff.
Whoo!!! Just going back and re-reading all this is making me exhausted!! So, as you can see, our entire family has been very busy getting ready for this little girl, especially the proud big brother! You can tell she is already extra special and SO loved!! Can't believe we are going to meet her in LESS THAN TWO DAYS!!! This is sooo surreal!
Friday, January 28, 2011
37 Weeks
Friday, January 28, 2011
I had my 37 week check-up today with Dr. Gass. I am measuring 39 weeks and he says I'm definitely having me a big baby girl! At my last ultrasound Mallory weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and that was 3 weeks ago! They're predicting that if we go to the c-section date of Feb. 10, that she will weigh 9 pounds! Whoa, baby! I had a surprise cervix check today and I'm 1 cm dilated. He checked the cervix last week but said that would be the only check since we're having a c-seciton anyway. But, I've been having real contractions since my check-up last week and also last Saturday we thought my water had broken, so he wanted to check the cervix just to make sure official labor has not begun. He did a test also today to see if it is my water breaking, but of course it's just my inability to hold in my urine! Ha! A problem I've had ever since pushing for 3 hours with Mason!
So, today just revealed that Mallory will be much bigger than Mason, that her heartbeart is fast and strong, my blood pressure is right where it needs to be, and my c-section is still scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 10. I'm still thinking sooner than that, but we'll see. :) I've had so much pressure and pain for the last 3 months to the point where some days I literally thought the baby was coming out of me. I never once felt this with Mason, but I've heard it's way different the 2nd time around. The pressure hasn't been as bad since I was put on partial bedrest back in November. I'm so glad I've been forced to slow down and stay off my feet because it has really helped me to feel better and I'm sure it's helped me to be able to keep the baby in this long.
I knew my baby girl was a big 'un and that my belly is measuring further along than what I really am, but I didn't realize how huge my belly was til looking at these pics right after Marc took them a few minutes ago! The first bare belly pic is unbelievable. I'm definitely bigger now than I was the day I delivered Mason at 39 weeks, 1 day!
Please continue to keep Mallory Jane and me in your prayers! These next couple of weeks are so unpredictable. Who knows if she will be here tomorrow or February 10th! Either way, we get to meet our miracle baby #2 very, very soon and we could not feel any more thankful or blessed! Our God is SO good!
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Greatest Crib Ever!
Last picture of Mason's sweet crib :(